Recent Hunting Trips in North America

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Softcover, 255 Pages.

Follow Boone and Crockett Club member and explorer Frederick Courteney Selous on his hunting adventures for moose and caribou, and a vast array of other game, primarily by traversing rivers and lakes by canoe. Experience a first-hand account his first moose hunt in Canada, along with adventures in caribou hunting in Newfoundland and the Yukon Territory. He was accompanied by B&C members, Charles Sheldon, William Osgood, and Carl Rungius throughout his adventures. Readers will be taken back to a time when hunting trips didn't happen over a weekend, but were adventures spanning weeks, months, even years.

An excerpt from Chapter VIII: 
"Early in 1906 I again grew restless, and as a short trip to Bosnia, in April of that year, in search of nests and eggs of the nutcracker, did but little to still the voices of the wilderness that were for ever whispering to me of far-away game-haunted mountains and forests, I started once more for the Macmillan River in the Yukon Territory of North-western Canada on July 12th, and reached Skagway, Alaska, on August 1st.
Four days later, on the evening of Sunday, August 5th, I started from Whitehorse on my long canoe journey to the south fork of the Macmillan River. I might have travelled the three hundred miles down the Yukon from Whitehorse to Selkirk by steamer, and saved a couple of days by so doing; but this would have cost me at least one hundred dollars; and as I had a good twenty-foot canoe, to carry me down the swift-flowing river, and the weather was fine, I had no hesitation in commencing my canoe journey from Whitehorse."

This edition of Recent Hunting Trips in North America is a part of the B&C Classics series launched in 2012 by the Boone and Crockett Club. Each book in the series was authored by a member of B&C in the late 1800s or early 1900s and was hand-selected by a committee of vintage hunting literature experts. Readers will be taken back to a time when hunting trips didn’t happen over a weekend, but were adventures spanning weeks, months, even years.

About the Author:
Frederick Courteney Selous DSO (1851 – 1917) was a British explorer, officer, hunter and conservationist, and Boone and Crockett Club member who famous for his exploits in South-East Africa. Perhaps the greatest of all African hunters, Selous was born in London and educated at Rugby School. His dreams and ambitions took him to Southern Africa where, at the age of 19, he undertook his legendary career as an elephant hunter and explorer. President Theodore Roosevelt considered him a hero and great friend. Selous accompanied Roosevelt on his famous 1909-1910 African Safari which is chronicled in Roosevelt's "African Game Trails." He also hunted throughout the American and Canadian West. Selous returned to his beloved Africa to fight with the British in World War I and was killed in battle at Behobeho Ridge in Tanzania on January 4, 1917.

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