Fly-Casting Fundamentals

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Distance, Accuracy, Roll Casts, Hauling, Sinking Lines and More
By Lefty Kreh

316 color photos, 6 B&W illus; 8.5x11 inches, 135 pgs.

Take some private lessons with expert Lefty Kreh as he shares his secrets from a lifetime of teaching fly casting and coaches you how to cast efficiently and effortlessly, whether on a brush-chocked trout steam, a wide steelhead river, or a windy saltwater flat. After explaining the basic principles of casting, he then shows how to use them to overcome common fly-fishing challenges in fresh and salt water—everything from slack-line casts and casting in tight quarters to chooting heads, sinking lines, and stripping baskets.

With this book, I am confident that fly fishers can learn the casts that are considered essential for fresh and salt water.

The legendary Lefty Kreh gives you the building blocks you need for learning to cast. Tips for basic overhead and sidearm cast, roll cast, reach cast, stack cast, tuck cast, curve cast, snap T, change of direction cast, low-side-up cast, speed cast. Tips for keeping your casts under control, casting an extra 20 or 30 feet and much more!


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