"Hell, I Was There!"

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Elmer Keith, “Hell, I Was There!” Los Angeles, CA: Petersen Publishing Co., 11979. This one with the dust jacket taped in and all sorts of grand stuff tipped in. This includes a photocopy of a letter from Keith to David Trevallion, a noted gun stocker, dated June 19, 1968 (see entry for Safari below), a tear sheet of the cover of an unidentified magazine with a bronze of Keith beneath a pair of elephant tusks and showing several of his books, two photos showing Keith (one showing him between two other men and the second of him with his .500 Boswell double rifle restocked by Trevallion, Trevallion’s business card with notes regarding George Nonte, Jr.’s Combat Handguns on the back, and an inscription from Keith’s wife on the inside front (with a note saying he was in the hospital). A wonderful double association copy featuring Keith and Trevallion. Large format book is very good. $350.

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